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Understanding Gender

Understanding Gender

Basic gender literacy is essential for children to understand their own gender, engage in healthy relationships, identify and place media and social messages in context, and have agency in determining aspects of their gender now and in the future.

© 2019 Gender Spectrum

Your gender identity is how you see yourself, boy or girl, and everything in between. Often times we are taught that there are only two genders, boys and girls. While you may have been born as a boy or a girl, some people don’t feel like they fit into one of these gender categories, and that’s okay. It is okay if your gender identity is a mix of feminine and masculine traits. It’s also okay if you don’t want to be labeled at all. What’s important is that you begin to understand your gender identity and feel safe to express who you are.


Gender identity is how a person feels and who they know them self to be when it comes to their gender. There are more than two genders, even though in our society the genders that are most recognized are male and female (called the gender binary) and usually is based on someone’s anatomy (the genitals they were born with). Gender can be complex and people are defining themselves in new and different ways as we gain a deeper understanding of identities. 

Understanding Gender Identity

Gender Explained for Kids

Gender pronouns are used to refer to gender identity, which is how someone feels in terms of masculine, feminine, somewhere in between or neither.

Leaf Pattern Design

ALOK (they/them) is an internationally acclaimed writer, performer, and public speaker. As a mixed-media artist their work explores themes of trauma, belonging, and the human condition.


They speak about humanity and the urgent need for compassion. They speak about fighting for freedom rather than privilege. They speak about compassion over comprehension. They are an inspiration.

Deep dive into understanding gender with this wonderful human being.

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