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Human Rights & Laws

Justice Scale

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Sexual And Reproductive Rights

LGBT Rights

Laws against SGBV in India


Sexual Violence Laws 

What are the laws in relation to acts of sexual violence that are covered by the Indian Penal Code (IPC)?


Sexual Violence Against Children

POCSO is the acronym for ‘Protection of Children against Sexual Offences Act’ of 2012. What is covered under it?


Online Harassment

What rights are available under the social media harassment laws in India?

Re-writing laws to help sexual assault survivors - Amanda Nguyen

Sexual assault survivors in America too often face a broken justice system. Rape kits are often disposed of too quickly to make arrests -- and depending on the state you’re in, survivors may not have the right to access their rape kits at all. In this talk, Amanda Nguyen discusses her journey to re-writing legislature and her fight for women’s rights all the way to the Supreme Court.

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